I have received 3 messages in the last few days about the Wounded Female as it is coming up for healing and integration:

The first message I got was about the communication style of many women today as representing the Wounded Female. It was specific and said that the way she communicates, in some way, keeps her from having her needs met (while she is unaware that this is happening). It said that she is not very clear (she thinks that people understand her, but they don’t, so people are like “Does she think I can read her mind?”). If she were to sit with this information, she would have the realization that she would have a much more favorable life and even be more respected. She could test this out if she was interested in “favorable” and “respected” for a period of time making an effort of being much more clear with her communication purposefully (really wanting people to “get” her message).

My messages said that the reason for more “favorable” is that since she was being more clear, folks would not need to fill in the blanks (of her unclear details), and for “respected” it would be because folks would know what she said and meant and not feel the frustration of the unclear communication. In the past, people directed this frustration at her (thus the disrespect). My message said that if she were to do this, she would be IN HER POWER.

Women needed to get loud to get rights as certain things in society were in-equal. Once this was achieved, the feminist movement took over and over laid their own agenda. It got women en masse to have marching orders of a sort. “This is how we think about MEN, our BODIES, our REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS, our thoughts on JOINING the workforce, our thought on if we should PROCREATE or not, etc.”. Group Think, and society was what would keep this spell of sorts, in place via shamming, etc. This was a successful movement to get most women to think the same way, as a means to control them. This morning, after I re read my scribe from last night I was showed a message from a friend as it clearly ties into it.

This is a trait that is in both women and men as we have both feminine and masculine energy as needed for our balance.

The Wounded Feminine, will show itself in your life also as the impatient one that wants to cut-off (or prevent) women/men from being clear (in communication) as this trait is in so many people at this time. The Female is often called “bossy” when she is being clear and that shows how out-of-touch we are as a society that we think this way.

I want to be in my power and not react the way the social engineer’s want me to, nor do I want to live stifled by my own voice perpetuating my own prison.